Theoretical Frameworks For Strengthening Large Marine Fisheries Management: The Case Of Sulusulawesi Seas

Theoretical Frameworks For Strengthening Large Marine Fisheries Management: The Case Of Sulusulawesi Seas
The Sulu-Sulawesi Sea is one of the semi-enclosed Large Marine Ecoregion (LME)2 which has area of about 333,200 km square and bordered by Indonesia Malaysia and Philippines. Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) also has potentials value of fish stocks and very important for providing livelihood as well as foods for more than 45 million of people live in the regions. However, the ecoregion’s biodiversity and productivity are in the decline because the unsustainable means and levels of resource uses have exceeded the ecoregion’s capacity for natural recovery (WWF-SSME, 2004a). Thus, the decline of fish stocks
in the SSME can threaten food security in third countries.