The 4th ICMBT

The 4th ICMBT
Carrying the theme “Good Practices and Innovations Toward Blue Economy”, the 4th International Conference on Integrated Coastal Management & Marine Biotechnology (ICMMBT) aims to provide an international platform to promote sharing of creative and innovative solutions, practical integrated approaches, and technical researches on coastal and ocean management and governance, in support of increasing commitments on sustainable blue economy and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 4th ICMMBT is jointly organized by the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS), the GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Phase 2 (ATSEA-2) Project, and Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum. The conference will be participated by international speakers, researchers, students as well as representatives from national and local governments, NGOs, regional and international organizations.
The growing ocean economy plays a crucial role in overall development. Thus, in consonance with the objective of the Decade of Ocean Science, it is crucial to put in place responsible and sustainable approaches that are guided by sound science and backed by strong collaboration of various stakeholders for a sustainable blue economy to be realized. This recognition boosted scaling up of efforts on best integrated coastal and ocean management approaches, new technical studies and innovations and larger interest in the field of ocean science and governance. Sharing the same objective and commitment to support enhancement of knowledge in shaping the future of a better oceans, communities and economies, the CCMRS, ATSEA-2, and AIS Forum hopes to enable consolidation and sharing of best practices in ICM, sustainable fisheries, biodiversity conservation, pollution management, and innovative ocean technologies, as well as contribute in setting a way forward for strategic collaboration through The 4th ICMMBT. As the world enters this mid-point of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, this coming of minds event therefore comes at an auspicious time.