Embrio International Symposium

Embrio International Symposium
EMBRIO (Enhancing Marine Biodiversity Research in Indonesia) is one of CoE (Center of Excellence) at IPB which coordinated by FPIK. EMBRIO promotes scientific and innovation based on marine biodiversity resources and to strengthen counteraction against marine biodiversity. EMBRIO has been established since 2013. EMBRIO aims to build an Indonesia wide, multidisciplinary research and training network with strategic international partners to become a center of scientific excellence on Indonesia marine biodiversity.
The vision of EMBRIO is to become a central gate into Indonesia for international scientists and research institutions seeking Indonesian collaboration. Mission of EMBRIO is understanding, protecting, rehabilitating, and sustainability of Indonesian marine biodiversity. The scope of EMBRIO activities are international symposium, international mini workshop, field course, research collaboration, visiting lecture, student exchange. International partners of EMBRIO 2013 are Victoria University, University of Oldenburg, Germany, ZMT Germany, Kanzler University of Germany, Newcastle University. New partners of EMBRIO in 2017 including Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, National University of Singapore, James Cook University, and National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College, Japan.
This year, EMBRIO brings out some activities such as field course that has been done in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi and Seribu Islands on September 2017. Today’s symposium is one of ongoing EMBRIO’s agenda and expected to accomodate scientists and institutions involved in research and education collaboration.
For our university, Bogor Agricultural University, this event is an important l event. Since 2014, our university has declared 3 main focuses of fields in research and education: Agriculture, Ocean and Biosciences.It is part of our tasks to serve and provide scientific methods and tools in related sciences and technologies in marine biodiversity.
The speaker of EIS 2017 are Peter MacArthur (Ambassador of Canada for Indonesia and Timor Leste); Dr Gellwyn Jusuf (Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning); Dr. Luky Adrianto (Dean of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science); Prof Jamaluddin Jompa (Hasanuddin University), Dr Mark Abrahams and representatives from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada; Dr Davin E. Setiamarga and representatives from National Institute of Technology, Wakayama College, Japan; Dr Naomi Gardiner and representatives from James Cook University, Australia, Prof Sek Man Wong and representatives from National University of Singapore, and also Indonesian includes Univeristas Riau, Universitas Hasanudin, Universitas Indonesia, Univeristas Pajajaran, Univeristas Brawijaya, Univeristas Maritim Ali Haji, Universitas Bengkulu and etc. The number of participants are 150 people, with 63 participants sending papers and 20 people posters.
EIS 2017 organized and hosted by Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science and Center of Coastal and Marine Resources Studies, Bogor Agricultural University.It is one of the most prominent program in IPB, especially in marine and fisheries subject. The symposium is biannual agenda and involved invited speakers from national and international partners.
The outcome of EIS 2017 are:
- MOU between IPB and James Cook University, National University of Singapore, National Institute of Technology Wakayama College, and Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Publication (80 papers)
- Establishment of bilateral and multilateral corporation between national and international collaboration on research and education
The result of paper from EIS 2017 will be published in the mentioned journals below, including :HAYATI of Biosciences Journal, Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia, Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis and Marine Fisheries Journal.